After the demise of 2020, I think we all had hopes for a big
change in 2021. Unfortunately, chaos and discord seem to abound. But
instead of remembering the felons, liars, crooks or idiots, remember
all the good people: health care professionals, grocery clerks,
fire-fighters, peaceful protesters, teachers, ranchers, waiters and
waitresses, farmers…voters… Thank you to all the heroes! Let’s all
work hard to make sure 2021 is remembered as a good year, and a year
of positive change.
We are a dealer for several appliance companies, and one of them
offers quite a variety of vaccine storage units. These are just a
couple of examples. Let us know what suits your vaccine storage
needs; these are available from quite small to larger chest models.
We will get through this pandemic as soon as we possibly can!

EL21LT $2099, 8.4 cu.ft. capacity
-45 degree Celsius, freezer
33.35”H x 41.5”W x 27.25”D
All-Freezer, made in Denmark.
Smaller/Larger sizes available. |

ACR45L $597 2.65 cu.ft.
2-8 degrees Celsius, refrigerator
31.5”H x 19.5”W x 22.75”D
Costs do not include freight. If you have any questions about
the best model for you,
or what various options may be, please e-mail us at
21st Century Energy Transition Symposium
(9th annual) May 4-5 & 14, 2021: free virtual symposium by the
Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory. This conference will
offer ideas and innovation as we move towards a cleaner energy
future; it’s free, but you must register to attend:
The Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory has built a
reputation over the years since 2011 in hosting non-partisan,
timely, interesting, research-driven, educational and balanced
events with a goal to drive towards finding solutions. You can
also watch free webinars that they’ve hosted or co-hosted since
pivoting in May of last year. Here is the link

Who should attend in 2021: Energy
industry (all sources of energy), environmental
organizations, climate, renewables, researchers,
scientists, venture capitalists and philanthropic
organizations, energy-related organizations, law
firms, entrepreneurs, small/medium/large companies
in energy and environmental sectors, federal
agencies, government, NGOs, municipalities,
regulators, utilities, academia, students, faculty
and community. Be there or be square! |
From USDA Rural Development:

An additional $35 million is available through the Value-Added
Producer Grant Program to support agricultural producers
affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In total, $76 million is
The application deadline has been extended to April 29, 2021 for
applications submitted electronically via and to (postmarked by) May 4, 2021 for paper
USDA Rural Development's Value-Added Producer Grants may be used
to develop new products from raw agricultural products or to
promote new markets for established products. Veterans, socially
disadvantaged groups, beginning farmers and ranchers, operators
of small- and medium-sized family farms and ranchers, and farmer
and rancher cooperatives will be given special priority.
Click here for more information:
And good luck!
The summer of 2020 was a rather strange growing season in
western Montana; we had both late (mid-June) and early
(Labor Day weekend) frosts, high winds, and too much then
too little rain. But all in all, we still had a great garden
This Candy Roaster
Squash is a fine example; this specimen was my 2nd
biggest, weighing in at just under 20 lbs. With long,
sprawling vines, tasty sweet orange flesh and a good keeper,
you may want to try this in your garden. Even a packet of
these in 1st class mail costs $4.30 to ship. But if you will
send stamps, I will send you some of these seeds; we also
have gorgeous Montanazazi Indian Corn, various hot peppers –
all good for short season areas (85-90 day growing season).
I’m happy to share for the cost of postage.
this writing, the U.S. federal tax credit of 26% for all
costs of a solar power system (among other things) has been
extended through the end of 2024. We are hoping it may once
again be bumped up to 30%, but who knows what the future may
hold! In the meanwhile, due to the cost of some base metals,
COVID19, and manufacturing delays, we are seeing a
significant lead time – as much as 4 to 6 months – in the
availability of many batteries, and two to three month lead
times or more for pre-built power centers. If you envision
‘getting on the stick’ for your solar or back-up power
system this year, you’d better be thinking about the
logistics of that now.
“The quarrels and divisions about religion were
evils unknown to the heathen.” -- Francis Bacon
"The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the
child into old age, which means never losing your
enthusiasm." -- Aldous Huxley
"We hit peak oil in 2019 at 99.6 million barrels per
day. It will take us until 2023 to get back to that
level -- if we ever do. Countries around the world
are racing to transition because the conversion will
be the largest wealth creation opportunity of our
--Jigar Shah
"If you have a caring life partner, you help the
other person when that person needs it. I had a life
partner who thought my work was as important as his,
and I think that made all the difference for me."
--Ruth Bader Ginsburg
“To call our government a cesspool of waste is to do
a disservice to all the plucky amoeba our there who
thrive on human excrement.” --Dennis Miller
“When buying and selling are controlled by
legislation, the first things to be bought and sold
are legislators.” --P.J O’Rourke
“There is still a window of time. Nature can win if
we give her a chance.” -- Dr. Jane Goodall
"I am quite sure now that often, very often, in
matters concerning religion and politics a man's
reasoning powers are not above the monkey's." --
Mark Twain
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can
make you commit atrocities" -- Voltaire
"If you want to be a true professional, do something
outside yourself." --Ruth Bader Ginsburg
